
standard hotel . new york

The Standard Hotel's latest addition.
Rising above it's surrounding buildings in Manhattan's Meatpacking District.
You can find it on the corner of Washington and 13th Street.

That bathroom KILLS me.
I heart boutique hotels.


yeah yeah yeahs . heads will roll


whole in the wall . 1970-now

nineteen painters, sculptors and photographers from the 1970s graf movement.
including Blade, Crash, Dze, Jonone, Quick, Lee Quinones, Rammellzee, and Sharp.
Also featuring European art stars Victor Ash,Banksy, Blek le Rat, Ikon, Sozyone, and Plateus.
150 piece exhibit showing off work from the extraordinary.

If you're in New York...Please do me a favor & go.

Whole In The Wall: 1970 – Now
Friday, May 29 to Saturday, June 27
Open 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Tuesdays through Saturdays
529-535 W. 35th St. @ 11th Ave.


vitor lourenco . user experience designer

Vitor Lourenco is an impressive 21 year old visual designer from Sao Paulo, Brazil.
At such a young age Lourenco has already done work for the sites that WE use almost everyday including Twitter and Yahoo!

All I have to say is...Dang.
Check out his portfolio by clicking HERE

i need to put myself in check.



block party . sunday may 24th

i've been sucking at blogging and going out.
nonetheless...come out and play this weekend.
bumsville will probably be hustling and bustling with faces all weekend.
we're coming down to the end of an amazing chapter folks.
the door's wide open...
