
experience .

mr. hudson . white lies

Mr. Hudson - White Lies from kwest on Vimeo.

love the beat.


Frank Lloyd Wright . What's My Line

Frank Lloyd Wright, most recognized from designing Falling Water in Pennsylvania.

as a mystery guest on the 03 June 1956 episode of WML.



family matters . dad's birthday celebration

"sticking with your family is what MAKES family."

mitch alborn . for one more day



john mayer . i think she knows

i've been all about this youtube video for a long time now.
still gives me chills whenever i play it.

mr. mayer has some skills.



crayon portraits . christian faur

american artist christian faur uses hand-cast wax crayons as pixels to create vivid images. faur arrived at the series pushing the boundaries of material limitations. rather than using the crayons to draw with, he uses the object itself as small points of colour creating a sort of pointillist painting.

pretty rad, right?

melting men . nele azevedo

"earlier this week, brazilian artist nele azevado, carved 1,000 figures out of ice and placed them on the steps of the concert hall in berlin's gendarmenmarket square. with temperatures of 73 degrees fahrenheit, the ice figures began melting within half an hour. the project entitled 'melting men' was meant to bring awareness to the world wildlife fund's warning, that melting ice could cause sea-levels to rise more than 3.3 ft by 2100"

images by . nele azevado
article source . designboom.com


iconic american images . danny lyon

saw these photos & liked them.
so i thought i'd share.
